Ocean Beach 2015
Hitch Frost is my (nearly) 4 year old
Border Collie
June 2012
He is named after author Christopher Hitchens
I seem to have a lot of pictures of him, which will give me lots of practice editing
The Certificate III in Graphic Pre-Press application use focuses on Photoshop, Indesign and Illustrator. I am going to take the next few days to ease my way into setting up these programs, building a collection of templates and preset layouts to assist in future work flows and allowing for more creative time
However before I get too deep in the course programs, I am going to start with Lightroom to build up my available resources of original material for graphic design
My goals for the week are:
1. View/read as many intro and basic tutorials of Lightroom and Photoshop;
2. Replicate templates and workflow techniques;
3. Add my photographs to Lightroom, label resources and replicate any other techniques enhancing my own images;
4. Process selected images in Photoshop, replicate techniques learnt using my own images;
4a. Get Giffy; and
5. Post regular updates of lessons participated in and examples of enhanced work.
A few times I have been able to get lots of shots in sequence and will also be looking at creating .gif's
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